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Adult Players Wanted

Our Premier Level Adult Pan-disABILITY team is currently looking for players. Whilst this team forms part of our Football FOR ALL section it is of a high standard and as such players are required to trial for a place. The team will be playing in the South East Pan-Disability League which is an 11-aside league and includes teams from clubs such as AFC Bournemouth, Sutton United, and Slough Town. Further...
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Pan-Disability Coaching Sessions

The club are looking to start a brand new pan-disability team for the 2022/23 season. The team will be playing in the Under 12 league of the Surrey Football For All League with the division to be determined based on the ability of the group. In order to get the team setup we will be running a set of free coaching sessions! These are FREE Fun and Inclusive Football Sessions...
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